
Wisdom of the peaceful warrior
Wisdom of the peaceful warrior

wisdom of the peaceful warrior

With practical wisdom gained over the passing decades, Dan now shares fresh insights that readers can apply directly to their everyday lives. In this powerful new work, Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan selected one hundred key passages and added incisive commentaries to clarify the timeless teachings of his old mentor, Socrates. Over the years, readers have asked many compelling questions about mysterious elements in his bestselling classic. Nearly a quarter century after the publication of Dan Millman's Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a film adaptation came to the screen in a movie titled "Peaceful Warrior" starring Nick Nolte as Dan's old mentor, "Socrates." Dan had anticipated that many questions might come from viewers of that film, and that it was finally time to write a book that directly addressed the original teachings in his first book, and loosely expressed in the movie.

Wisdom of the peaceful warrior